
Throughout its history, CCHC’s library has collected materials documenting the diversity of the county from the 1680s to the present. The library houses collections of printed volumes (25,000), and manuscripts (500,000), including family name manuscript files, letters, diaries, personal papers, business and organizational records, pamphlets, broadsides, and newspapers. 


The Library and Photo Archives are handling research and photo inquiries remotely. The reading room is currently closed to onsite researchers. Please refer to this website regarding when the reading room will reopen for in-person research. We look forward to serving you and thank you for your continued interest and support.


610-692-4800 x221

For research purposes, visitors can make photocopies or take images of books, newspaper clippings, and manuscripts under fair use law.

Photocopy Fees:

  • Letter and legal-size pages: $.25
  • Ledger-size pages: $.50
  • Color letter and legal-size pages: $1.00
  • Color ledger-size pages: $2.00

Camera Fees:

Researchers may take an unlimited number of images with a camera, phone, or tablet. Camera licensing does not apply to the historical photograph collection.

  • One-day camera license: $5
  • Annual camera license (CCHC members): $24

Document Copy Request Service ($15)

  • Provides scanned copies of a specific document or file. Consult our online catalog and collection guides to identify a call number or manuscript number for the document(s) you wish to request.  This service does not include research performed by Library staff.
  • If the total number of pages exceeds 15 pages, an additional charge of $.50 per page will apply.

Basic Research Service ($20)

  • Provides scanned copies of relevant material in response to a basic research request, including requests on an event, business, organization, obituary, etc.
  • When requesting research, provide all information you have on the event or entity to ensure we retrieve the correct information. This service is limited to manuscripts in the CCHC Library and does not include information on the genealogy of an individual or property history.
  • If the total number of pages exceeds 20 pages, an additional charge of $.50 per page will apply.

Genealogical Research Service ($35 CCHC member, $40 non-member)

  • Provides the researcher with information pertaining to one specific family. Note that we will not attempt to construct a line of descent. This service provides the entirety of what the CCHC family files contain for one specific surname.
  • If the total number of pages exceeds 20 pages, an additional charge of $.50 per page will apply. Please allow up to six weeks for the return of results.
  • Genealogical Research Request Form – Aug 2024

Property Research Services

  • CCHC does not provide property research services to distance researchers. We recommend property researchers begin their search by developing their chain of title with county government offices.  After working with county offices to build chain of title, visit us in person at CCHC to review our maps, newspaper clippings, and other land-related materials.
  • For more information on establishing your chain of title, please consult the following resources:

Collection highlights:

The Library’s collection includes over 25,000 volumes of books and periodicals. Books include family genealogies; county every-name indexes; and local, county, and state histories for Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and New York.  We also have a large collection of Chester County authors, local military history, and material culture/decorative arts (furniture, fabric arts, toys, silver, etc.).

Library Materials can be searched through collection guides and the PastPerfect database.

Some of the titles in our periodical collection include:

    • National Genealogical Society Quarterly
    • Pennsylvania Genealogical Society
    • Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
    • Pennsylvania History Magazine
    • Tredyffrin-Easttown History Club Quarterly
    • Historical Review of Berks County
    • Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society
    • Historical Society of Montgomery County Bulletin
    • Delaware History
    • Maryland Historical Magazine
    • New Jersey Historical Society Proceedings
    • New England Historical and Genealogical Register

U.S. Federal Census records:

    • Pennsylvania indexes, 1790-1880, 1900-1930
    • Chester County microfilm, 1790-1930
    • Delaware County microfilm, 1850-1930
    • Lancaster County microfilm, 1850-1870
    • Montgomery County microfilm (partial), 1850-1920
    • Berks County microfilm, 1850-1920
    • Bucks County microfilm, 1820-1920
    • Philadelphia microfilm


Pennsylvania Septennial Census (digital copies, 1793-1870)

    • State census of taxable adults (usual males of legal age) taken every seven years for most townships (1800, 1807, 1814, etc.) It includes an alphabetical list of names and some occupations, and it was used to calculate local representation at the state level. 
  • Manuscripts spanning three centuries of county history include letters, diaries, business and organization records, land/legal documents, family charts, records of burials and marriages, and family genealogies.
  • Materials are arranged by format (account books, diaries, scrapbooks, etc.), subject (Cemetery, Church, Family Files, Schools, etc.), and donor (e.g. Marwood Darlington Genealogical Research Collection).
  • Many of the family papers and organizational records have finding aids that describe the history of the manuscripts and provide an inventory of the materials in the collection. Included in these collections are materials that document the history of local families, businesses, organizations, and the history of women, African Americans, Civil War soldiers, immigrants, Quakers, and the many others who call Chester County home.
  • The map collection includes the Witmer (1873) and Breou (1883) atlases for all townships. Additional railroad atlases provide coverage for most of the county dating from the 1890s to 1930s.  Many of these maps include names of property owners, and most maps are organized by township.
  • Additional earlier and later maps of the entire county and some surrounding areas are also available.  

Clippings File: characterized as “one of the state’s best,” it was begun in the 1930s by CCHS volunteers and fills over 150 file drawers. The file contains articles clipped from over 40 Chester County newspapers and dates from 1810-1970.

    • Family Surname: arranged alphabetically by last name, first initial and includes obituaries, birth/marriage announcements, etc.
    • Township: arranged by township/borough and alphabetically by topic (churches, businesses, history, maps, etc.)
    • County: arranged by subject headings that apply to the entire county (public offices and organizations) or to more than one township (creeks, military, etc.)


Microfilms: the Library’s collection includes the following papers on microfilm:

    • American Republican (West Chester), 1858-1876
    • American Weekly Mercury, 1719-1746
    • Avondale Herald, 1896-1939
    • Chester and Delaware Federalist (West Chester), 1809-1817
    • Coatesville Record, 1908-1993
    • Daily Local News (West Chester), 1872-
    • Downingtown Archive, 1877-1974
    • Jeffersonian (West Chester), 1843-1910
    • Oxford Press, 1866-1977
    • Phoenixville papers, ca. 1871-1994
    • Village Record (West Chester), 1818-1916

Our manuscript collections provide information on many aspects of local history. Collection guides provide contextual information about the collection and an inventory of the collection’s contents.

Researchers can view materials listed in a guide by visiting the library or contacting us about our distance research services