John Morton of Chester County: A Signer of the American Declaration of Independence (Virtual)
As part of the CCHC Speakers Series, Public Historian John E. Smith III presents the life and legacy of Chester County’s forgotten Founding Father, John Morton.
The Philadelphia Navy Yard: Mainstay of the Fleet, 1801-1995 (Virtual)
As part of the CCHC Speakers Series, Senior Archivist Joseph James Ahern of the University of Pennsylvania will will explore the history of the Philadelphia Navy Yard and the events of the Civil War influenced its development into an important 20th century industrial site.
A Most Gallant Resistance: The Delaware River Campaign 1777 (Virtual)
As part of the CCHC Speakers Series, Associate Professor John M. Pisciotta will focus on the Continental Troops’ encampment at Valley Forge, the ravages smallpox, and the 18th century efforts to mitigate disease.