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In partnership with Voices Underground and the West Chester Juneteenth Planning Partners, CCHC is offering two outdoor tours which require Eventbrite registration: Underground Railroad and Uptown West Chester. Tickets are $10 for adults. Students and seniors are only $5, thanks to the generous support of Voices Underground, TD Charitable Foundation, and the Pennsylvania Abolition Society.  Each tour will start at the History Center and cover about one mile, over a one-hour period.  In addition to today, these tours will be offered throughout the weekend.

  • The Underground Railroad tour at 5:30PM explores historic sites that serve as a backdrop for the stories of the brave people who helped enslaved men, women, and children as they passed through West Chester on their journeys toward freedom.  For tickets and additional tour times:  Eventbrite Tickets/Underground RR 
  • The Uptown West Chester tour at 6:00PM explores the very center of town as we share stories of the early 20th century African American entrepreneurs like James Spence and follow in the footsteps of Bayard Rustin as he grew into an activist here in his hometown.  For tickets and additional tour times:  Eventbrite Tickets/Uptown WC Tour

We will have museum guides on Friday the 16th and Saturday the 17th from 12:00-4:00 to help maximize your Juneteenth experience!  (Regular museum admission applies, but no pre-registration required).