Collection Title: Beatrice Menig Political Scrapbooks

Dates of Collection: 1960 – 2000

Repositiory: Chester County Historical Society

Project Archivist: Jasmine Smith


Beatrice Menig served as Chester County Jury Commissioner beginning in 1962. She followed her service as Jury Commissioner as the Recorder of Deeds, a position she held from 1968-1972. She was a Republican candidate and supported other Republican politicians.


“Menig, B.” Newspaper Clippings. Chester County Historical Society.
“Recorder of Deeds Historical Information.” Chester County Pennsylvania website.

Information for Researchers:

  • Preffered Citation:
    Creator last name, Creator first name. (Dates) Scrapbook title. Collection (Box number), Repository, City, State.

Collections Scope:

Menig’s scrapbooks focus on elections and political events from the 1960’s through the 1990’s, including her own 1967 campaign. Most of the scrapbooks are filled with newspaper clippings. Dates are apparent in most clippings, but the source newspaper is not always evident.

Collection Arrangement:

Menig organized scrapbook items by event and date.

Related Material:

See also the CCHS general Scrapbooks Collection and the Isaac Anderson WWII Scrapbooks Collection.

Collections Contents:

  1. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election, Nixon Lodge 1960
  2. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election 1961 Inauguration of Scranton 1963
  3. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election 1964
  4. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election 1966 Shafter Inauguration 1966
  5. Scrapbook-  Primary Election, Bea Menig Campaign, General Election 1967
  6. Scrapbook-  Primary, General Election, Nixon-Agnew Election, Julie Nixon wedding 1968
  7. Scrapbook-  Death of Eisenhower, Primary and General Election 1969
  8. Scrapbook-  Inauguration of Nixon and Agnew 1969, 1973
  9. Scrapbook-  Primary Election, Tricia Nixon Wedding, General Election 1971
  10. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election Nixon-Agnew 1972
  11. Scrapbook-  Johnson’s Funeral, Primary and General Election 1973
  12. Scrapbook-  Primary, General Election, Nixon resigns, Dague dies 1974
  13. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election 1975
  14. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election 1976
  15. Scrapbook-  Richard Framec dies in plane crash, Rubino resigns, elections 1977
  16. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election 1978
  17. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election, Inauguration of Thornburgh 1979
  18. Scrapbook-  Primary, General, Mamie Eisenhower Funeral 1979
  19. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election 1980
  20. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election 1981
  21. Scrapbook-  Reagan and Bush Inauguration 1981
  22. Scrapbook-  Primary, General, Thornburgh Election 1982
  23. Scrapbook-  Primary, General, Inauguration of Thornburgh 1983
  24. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election 1984
  25. Scrapbook-  Inauguration of Ronald Reagan Primary and General 1985
  26. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election 1986
  27. Scrapbook-  Budd Dwyer suicide, Baker retirement, 1987 Primary + General Election 1987-8
  28. Scrapbook-  Rubino death 1989, Primary and General Election 1989
  29. Scrapbook-  Inauguration of H.W. Bush and Quayle 1989
  30. Scrapbook-  Nancy Schulze’s death, Primary and General Election 1990
  31. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election, Sen. John Heinz and John Tower die 1991
  32. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election, Inauguration of Clinton 1993
  33. Scrapbook-  Primary, Pat Nixon and Richard Nixon Funeral, Baker for Gov. 1993-1994
  34. Scrapbook-  General Election 1994, Primary and General Election 1995
  35. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election 1996
  36. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election 1997-1999
  37. Scrapbook-  Primary and General Election 2000
  38. Guide to Voting, Republican handbook
  39. Photo album